at any rate

I admit the voice in my head
         has chided and threatened me
  like a parent I guess we could say
           I raised myself separate

      since then I’ve come to the conclusion
   self expression is worth as much
                                 as any precious thing

               frozen out those thieves of joy


“my failure,” she wept to God

honesty hour I am so angry I cannot write anything beautiful

there is much I’ve gave of myself
   & it’s not your fault my rage has passed
      to carelessness feeling Ozymandias
  hissing Look on my Works as they turn
      to dust

                            slipping through fingers
      like the great dreams I’ve allowed to die
                      and no river could restore life
      so well as the glimpse of hope

                           snicker as I turn to wraith



I don’t think it’s naive to believe in compassion just because it’s absent where it’s most needed
     I think it’s circumvent given the state of our planet and the population though looking on the 500,000 everything does have its limit
            I will not believe I am at fault for the inaction I am human and I must express my perspective what a disappointment once it was creative now I blaspheme freedom of speech: burn me then, I was never the option though I was told how emotionally intelligent I am
        maybe that’s on part of dear old Dad I was not okay when we met I am not okay now I’m not betting on the future I won’t ever be able to collect when I know I will be forgotten just as soon as I’ve lost my audience


the gavel

what a surprise I was speared by the bullet
  train I wish I could put words aside
        unfuck the soul tie
   something like Schrödinger’s feline
was I dead or alive or just debating the same difference____

the end result is carnage
I’m never a fan of flatline but
all things seem to succumb am I a genius a hack a serial killer a bad act will I get a turn on the Playstation can I pick the theme for our symbolism



the dramatic contralto

most days I sleep off the disruption
    my sea where the tide is silent
        I play siren &
almost in jest the water boils


               I am not a coward I am tired
   someone reading the Declaration out loud
     to me 

             simple brutal fighting words
   reminds me of a home without kings &
          the childhood I can barely remember

     I’m restless wherever there’s been



my safeguarded heart shattered in the foyer & what remains I can’t rearrange this was too natural this was inevitable I should have had my suspicions but well adjusted because of it better didn’t record the evidence I think it was just a Wow! signal just a symbol of failure too Tiffany blue expensive like megalomania but in this instance I’ve recovered my voice because like the Hatter in a world such as my own everything is nonsense and now
                   it is what it isn’t