The Statue

I am sp lin|tering granite
      but I promise you
               I promise you
                   [can still use me]
       There’s a beating heart
                           buried in my chest


Vigorously wiping the tears
from lack of sleep
       & late conversations
      out of my eyes

To an alarm reading
         RETURN HOME—-


[These cats have been staring into my soul like an hourglass, waiting for the last grain of sand to fall… maybe I’m missing out]


In another world the columbarium
    wasn’t real

             in that game it was just
                 another quest …

     yet| as we all stood in a line|
         looking up at a wall of
                   closed tombs &
                     golden plaques
                       old enough to be
                   nearly illegible

It became sentient without the glow
                                         [of objective]°
               as soon as
      they lifted the champagne casket
                & you and your single white rose
                                        with it… within.


[Authors Note: resplendent in unknown suspension, the greatest story the teller ever told was your legacy]

all things…

the stone is calling us both
       & the flight was a great success
         sitting up front with a window seat
             an empty row
                          |close| …
                   almost celebrity

          I spoke to you the entire time
               gentle chatter inside my mind
                   I felt   the weight      lift
                         under orange sorbet clouds

            but I know as the curtain is drawn
                       this show’s just begun


authors note: photo from my morning flight


Her platinum anklet chain rattles
   yet the bed splinters below
         no fear no fault no guff
     these things / replaced tomorrow

  There were studs on her garters
            leaving shining imprints
                the way your hands might
                      if you used them correctly
    I wonder if, ten seconds before
          you dove in/ your heart might hold


shallow breaths

I glimpse these hues
 dark umber, taupe and ash
       shadows on my photograph
      whisk across your face
      people say, mine does not age
       but.         [I am always changing]

         I have to be at the airport
            in two hours



Dark umber, taupe and ash
       shadows on my photograph
      splash across your face
      people say, mine does not age
       but.         [I am always changing]

         I have to be at the airport
            in two hours
                        & mediocrity



alter ego

she’s wearing a top hat
   a black waistcoat
         & cufflinks but
  I don’t know if she’s fashionable
           or androsphinx
           all I want
           to know is who wore her
                         pinstripes     to       tatters

                     & who freed those waves
                         from pins and elastic
                             looking up while
                  she glares eagerly overhead &




I’m starting to believe
          the light-green luna
       moth I saw might’ve been
                a pretty glitch
             in this buttoned-up matrix

                    a        flashy sign…

      Who knows, who knows
                I’ve got a thousand things
                            in mind &
           Yes, dear, you’ve got the evidence:
                  [It’s been a hell of a week]

            I swear I’ve ripped my skin
                                            to shreds
                   |feels like an old pastime
                        has arrived for a few

                              I never got a memo
                       then again I never checked
                            the fucked up schedule

        & now I’m on the hunt
                               again》for    you


thousand yard stare

Thick black frost
    between my teeth
          under my nails and
      rifling through my lungs
        I’m starting to think
                        it’s not frost
                                     but tar

                                  A   built-up

Ink; maybe|